Effective Command Instructor Course

The Certified Instructor course will teach your Training Officers how to facilitate Best Practice Incident Command training using the Effective Command tool kit. This hands on course will cover the following learning outcomes:

  • Explain why there is a need for command training and assessment

  • Recognize the cognitive processes involved in dealing with incidents

  • Facilitate and support a simulation in the context of training and assessment

  • Adapt the EC Training and Assessment Portal Videos

  • Conduct an assessment against the EC Behavioural Markers utilizing the Training and Assessment Portal Videos

  • Supportively conduct a post assessment debrief

It will build upon any existing Incident Command curriculum currently in use within your department and provide training officers will the skills and resources to deliver immersive simulations to further develop and consolidate the command skills of your officers.

The course focuses on the application of decision making behaviours and rationalised actions during the development of ‘All Hazards Commanders’ - Officers who have the ability to deal with all incident types confidently & competently.

Assessment Portal

The students will be taught how to use the Assessment Portal found on the Effective Command subscribers website to deliver the simulations. This Assessment Portal contains 6 scenarios, complete with scripts and scenario graphics, this scenario library is used as part of an Effective Command subscription to deliver Incident Command training and assessment within your Fire Department and is refreshed annually.

The Instructor is provided with a palette of images and videos files that are used in conjunction with the script to deliver the incident simulation. The script provides the injects, notional activities and interactions for the scenario allowing the instructor to dynamically facilitate, reacting to the actions of the incident commander and tempo of their decision making.

The use of the scenario graphics allow the incident to change in response to the actions or inactions of the commander, allowing incidents to be experienced in a realistic manner and provide opportunities for naturalistic decision making and refection.

There is also an extensive library of responders and role player images that can be used within each scenario to add context and realistic additional pressures for the incident commander to manage and interact with.

The instructors will be taught how to both facilitate basic scripts and make modifications to produce endless scenarios for their Fire Departments use.

Effective Command Assessment

The Instructors will also be taught how to use the Effective Command tool kit to record incident commander performance, the assessment tool is used to record officer competence in situational awareness, decision making, planning, communication, command and incident review. The assessment generates a thorough report providing quality written feedback and numerical scores for the student which can be used to inform individual development plans, organisational change and evidence of operational competence. The assessment also includes a through self reflective incident debrief, where the assessor provides quality 1:2:1 feedback to the student on their performance.

Attendance on the instructor course provides 30 day access to the Effective Command tool kit, continued use within your organisation requires a subscription, see Effective Command Toolkit.

This course is endorsed by the Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs and is certified Skills for Justice Awards.